Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday Model Magic

For the past 3 years, I've been asked over and over again to expand from just our CT Bridal Event. The CT Bridal Event will be celebrating 5 years this fall... wow how time has flown. While I look to improve it each year, I also don't want to lose why and what the show was created for.  This year, due to the wonderful helping hand of Chris from and the support of a handful of returning vendors, we have expanded.  

Now as we wait for spring (some more than others; I happen to be a winter lover, though -8 degrees is not the way I like to start out my day), I wanted to be able to share the exciting news.  As you may or may not know, the extremely talented Sara Faella, Artist~Designer~Stylist  will be creating a one of a kind, well two of a kind fashion shows.  One geared to be Vintage Glam Show (think glitzy/glamorous vintage accessories and dresses) and then a Couture Fashion Show (one of a kind/handmade accessories and dresses only)! To top off this excitement, we have added a famous CT model to our the show!!!  

 Let me introduce you all to Samantha Sojka, the crowning Miss Connecticut Teen USA 2011!  I did a little dance and squeal of happiness when Samantha first emailed us and it is possible Sara might have done the same thing. 
Samantha describes herself as ambitious, confident and
genuine, which are all wonderful traits to have. In her own words "I am an 18 year old freshman in college, who has been able to stay away from negative peer pressure, drugs and alcohol. I want to help teenagers learn that they do not have to turn to drugs and alcohol and show them through leading by my example. I am also a very active member throughout my community. I am part of a young women’s empowerment group, promote healthy lifestyles, fund raise for cancer research, and am very involved in dance. I hope to travel throughout Connecticut promoting community events, meeting new people, and learning more about the state of Connecticut. My goal, for this next year, is to be the first young woman from Connecticut to become MissTeen USA."  

Runway Ready
I can hardly wait for Sara to put the touch of her style for the fashion show! If we have a wonderful perfect spring day, then the fashion show will be taking place in the courtyard.  Make sure to reserve your front row seats by registering for your bridal event tickets now. Reserved seats will be limited, just so you all know.  

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